If your building went up between 1995 and 2007, chances are you have Kitec or KTC piping (usually blue & orange colors, but may be black, grey, red & blue), also called PlumbBetter, IPEX AQUA and WarmRite. This inexpensive "flexible aluminum pipe between an inner and outer layer of plastic pipe (PEX pipe) with brass fittings" last between 10 to 15 years before it fails (bursts, floods). It needs to be replaced with copper plumbing. And you may want to look into class action settlement compensation ...
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/heating-pipes-recall-class-action-1.4960741 http://www.reco.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/NS-REC-kitec.pdf
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Hurricane/wind and/or Flood Insurance for Canadians may not be available to Canadians who own Florida property. A Canadian who owns property in Florida, unless they have dual citizenship, a green card, are permanent residents, or have a US work VISA, may not have federally backed insurance on their property. They may not qualify for federal flood insurance under the National Flood Program. Unless they obtained private insurance at least 30 days prior to the event, they may be uninsured. Advice: call your property manager or a neighbour to assess the damage and secure your property. Go there if needed. As with all insurance, call your insurer immediately to report damage. Mitigate damages. Keep all receipts. Ask your insurer if you qualify for any other funding. For Snowbirds who still love Florida coast and are interested in investing, this may be a time to buy inexpensive land as others may be looking to unload it. |
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January 2019